I wouldn't say Junjou is my favourite (I've got my top 4 that I can't decide who's at the top) but it's up there, alongside Sekaiichi Hastukoi, Sasaki to Miyano and Hirano to Kagiura!!!! My most favourite manhwa is absolutely The scent of you or the best smell (same manhwa different title) !!! I've also read roses and champagne (Caesar is insane HE NEEDS A LEASH) and Jinx (no character development whatsoever, both Dan and Potato gotta escape... Also bottom from roses and champagne....)

There's honestly too much content for a season 4 of junjou romantica and a season 3 of Sekai ichi hatsukoi I don't understand why they won't make it when there's literally so much content !
ikr and the jinx fans are really toxic like saying Dan would have a better life if his grandma died like wtf !??? And caesar be getting jealous of everyone who's approach leewon like even his own father like what's wrong with him

The bathouse was in season 2 also to be honest I don't like usagi-chichi that much ik he's worried about usagi-san but didn't he wanted usagi-ani to be his successor so why is he telling misaki that usagi-san will become the successor like leave them alone I don't like how he always creates troubles and makes misaki feel sad

Yessss but I do think I understand usagi-chichis reasons a bit. Like he always says whenever Akihiko lost something he'd be absolutely broken for a long time and so I think he wants to break Misaki and Akihikos relationship in case Misaki decides to break it off (WHICH HE WILL NEVER!!!!! THEY LOVE EACH OTHER TOO MUCH!!!!!) if usagi-chichi breaks off their relationship Akihiko is going to be mad and sad with his dad not Misaki (well probably Misaki too but WE WILL NEVER KNOW CUZ ITS NOT HAPPENING!!!!) I just think he's trying to look after his son BUT THE WAY HE MAKES MISAKI WORRY BC OF NOTHING..... If I could stop usagi-chichi from laying his eyes on Misaki or even uttering his name..... UGHHHHHHHHHH LET THEM BE HAPPY

I think the same
Like ya I understand his reasons but he hardly paid attention to usagi-san when he was little but now he's like naw I gotta protect my son bro you never even looked after your son neither protected him when he got hurt so many times in the past it was all misaki who filled his void do you really think that after that he will let go of misaki ? No he won't! ! And misaki loves him too they love each other a lot that you can't separate them Honestly I understand usagi-san if someone like misaki appears in my life I wouldn't let go of them either
Guys I just thought of something so I was rewatching junjou romantica again for the...how many times I don't remember but after reading both junjou romantica and Sekai ichi hatsukoi I thought that yk the guy "SHIZUKU" OR WAS IT "SHIZUKUI"? (I forgot his name) but anyway ! Ya the guy who worked under Ijuin sensei and was also a big fan of "DAYS KAN" at first I thought that he and Ijuin sensei might get together but that didn't happen since iijuin sensei got together with a character from Sekai ichi hatsukoi so I thought that since usagi-ani and shizuku is still single it would be a good idea to get them together but they haven't met each other SO I REALLY HOPE THE AUTHOR WOULD MAKE A SEPARATE STORY ABOUT THEM TOO !!!