I bought the one week subscription because I had to know

dofu February 13, 2025 2:42 am

Dad and ML were never romantically involved. ML was taking care of Dad because he was a wreck after MC left the house. Dad sort of used ML as a placeholder MC. There were times where he called for MC instead of ML. ML said he never had romantic feelings for Dad, but the building blocks were probably there. There is student who is very romantically interested in ML and kissed him while he was grieving over Dad. Also, Dad visited a gay bar with the principal after MC left and was sort of involved with a guy.

    Yuu February 14, 2025 12:07 am

    the fact dad went that far but still never bothered to try and contact mc lol....

    blueninja89 February 14, 2025 7:20 am
    the fact dad went that far but still never bothered to try and contact mc lol.... Yuu

    Honestly have little sympathy for the father. He did it himself.