ch30 akihito does ask jun 'so do you also love him now?'. She just says 'huh?' and then he goes on to say 'everyone who meets him thinks he's great, do you think so too?' And she says 'yeah, but...'
To her that is just saying 'he is a nice guy, I like him', to akihito it is 'another girlfriend who ends up liking my brother and sympathising him, and my brother will obviously take advantage of this as he has done before'. Which isn't the wrong conclusion to draw with his experience. It is 100% both the brother and jun's fault. They were both told repeatedly and yet they chose to disrespect akihito's wishes.
The fuck is that panel where jun was asked do you love him????? The mental gymnastic panel and misunderstanding is unmatched. I am on akihitos side but this is ridiculous. And the brother is dumb to play like a loser, why not tell the truth to your brother? The ex gf is a saint for not outing him. Jun is a dumb dumb bitch that needs to be slapped, why you gotta tell 'yeah but'???