I'm not religious, but I'm praying you go to hell "it's just fiction" has been an excuse for years now, and it's just gross. Just because it's fake doesn't mean that you can stop being a decent being and have some empathy for the characters. Rape? I mean, do you even need an explanation for how bad that is?? Fiction or not, it's just bad all around. To come here and make excuses because you like it, because you don't wanna admit that you're a gross and horrible person, because you want to justify it. That shit's just nasty.

You call me a horrible person but you’re doing just the same. Don’t you think preaching about morality while consuming the media is hypocritical of you? Don’t act as if you’re a saint we all know you aren’t. Otherwise why would you be here in the first place. Should’ve just read your oh so holy manhwas, don’t tell people what to like or not it’s none of your damn business. Because i myself know when to draw the line when reading this type of stories. We all have different views and i for one don’t give a single fuck about yours. Fuck off bitch.

Okay, so just because there are a lot of healthy BLs, we should just leave these toxic ones alone and let you guys get away with saying that rape is okay?? Like, at some point, you gotta realize that the shit ur saying is just stupid asf, and I feel bad 'cause you really don't know how bad it is. Like it's fucking embarrassing...

bitch since when did we say that “rape is okay” It’s just your assumptions, your the one who said it yourself not us. You’re trying to paint yourself the victim, why? do you get off putting words into our mouths or sum shit? You’re the one stupid asf trying to force your stupid views and ideals. You acting like reading toxic yaoi will make us commit rape, tf is wrong with you?! If you hate it so much sue the author why you acting like the police here? Fucking retard.

Nah, you can't try and pin this shit on me. And since when did I act like a fucking victim. In WHAT way?? Because I really think that if you think I acted like a victim, go get some reading comprehension. And you support rape, because that what this fucking BL is about anyways. And that is EXCACTLY what the og commenter was trying to say. So if support them, you obv support their ideals. And I'm not saying that ur gonna commit the act, I'm saying that it's not okay to support it. And if ur gonna attack me because I can't tell the difference between fiction and non fiction, then that's saying something about you rather than me. (If your tiny brain can't handle that, I mean to say that you support the "fake" rape, therefore you support rape.)

My god talking to you is like talking to a brick wall, need I remind you we’re in an illegal website??? which support are you talking about? why you acting like were the ones uploading this shit. These nonsense you’re speaking about is self contradictory because here you are arguing with us when you know fairly well we will not listen to whatever shit your preaching when you yourself read things from an “illegal website”. idk why you’re so dumb but clearly it’s you who doesn’t have any reading comprehension. So SHUT THE FUCK UP you hypocritical piece of shit.

No, you're the brick wall. All I'm saying rape is bad. And instead of agreeing with me, you're bringing up that I'm being hypocritical because I'm on an illegal website. But comparing being okay with rape (fictional or not) with being on an illegal website is an INSANE comparison. And I'm not acting like you're the one uploading it, I'm acting like you're the one defending this shit, because you are.
And it's always the same cycle with you guys. Never wanting to own up to your actions, blaming the other person, and trying to bring them down with your fake logic, then realizing that you don't really have anything to back up your argument, so you just start talking shit. Like, ik it's gotta be tiring being wrong all the time.

LMAO again stop acting like you’re a saint, persecuting people based on your oh so moral ideals, you’re taking this shit too realistically when it’s clearly FICTION: literature in the form of prose that describes IMAGINARY events and people. Why do you think FICTION was created in the first place?! Huh? That’s an alternate universe where people DON’T get hurt, why? Because they are NONEXISTENT. I’ve been saying this for the uptenth time. READING DOES NOT EQUATE TO RAPE and NEVER WILL. We KNOW how to draw the line, it’s YOU who clearly doesn’t. It’s you who will not accept the fact that there are people who read toxic yaoi and only READ (doing nothing else just fucking READING because its FICTION and therefore does NOT equate to a REAL person). The words “being okay with rape” is only YOUR words that you put on my mouth because i NEVER once said that. Painting someone a villian on a TOXIC BL comment’s section is wild asf. damn couldn’t be me. ion even wanna argue anymore cuz my first point gets proven every single time you reply to me.
Hating on toxic BL’s seems to be the trend nowadays, i wont be surprised when they find and jump this one lol. Must be frustrating not being able to distinguish fiction from reality.
(Those who reply to me is just proving my point.)