The fact he had no foreplay at all and just shoved it into her was hard to watch. Even if they fall in love down the line.. the fact is that he was so rough with her. He not even knowing she was a real princess or not, he's a piece of crap.
I yelped like I could feel the pain in my own puss. Like sir at least squeeze some lube onto you and her Nonchiboel
Right! Then the next couple chapters this man knows how to loosen her up. Like so you did that to me rude? Saying oh she wasn't experienced. Even if she was, you have no right to jam yourself into her that way
Right! Then the next couple chapters this man knows how to loosen her up. Like so you did that to me rude? Saying oh she wasn't experienced. Even if she was, you have no right to jam yourself into her that way Pink Lady of Romance
Exactly! Like suddenly he knows what foreplay is (even though it was still the barest of minimum foreplay). Plus it hurts my heart how she was abandoned her whole life then forced to be a substitute bride and endure that torture of a wedding night. He didn't even greet her or introduce himself
Exactly! Like suddenly he knows what foreplay is (even though it was still the barest of minimum foreplay). Plus it hurts my heart how she was abandoned her whole life then forced to be a substitute bride and e... Nonchiboel
Exactly! I don't see any possible redemption from anything in the future for dude.
The fact he had no foreplay at all and just shoved it into her was hard to watch. Even if they fall in love down the line.. the fact is that he was so rough with her. He not even knowing she was a real princess or not, he's a piece of crap.