Crazy how 40+ people liked a comment on here condemning this story and saying that yaoi readers are homophobic and condone rape in real life! And what do you know! The OP is a terf who did a full self-expose, claiming that trans women only "think they are women" (they are women). And that they're porn addicts and rape apologists! When I say this stupid anti-fujo craze on this site is 9/10 times a dogwhistle for bigotry, I mean it. Some folks aren't even drinking the kool-aid anymore. They're butt-chugging it. What ever happened to shame????
and trans women are men; can't even define what a woman is without resorting to circular logic and sexist stereotypes. And most fujoshis are bigoted who think they are left leaning
and trans women are men; can't even define what a woman is without resorting to circular logic and sexist stereotypes. And most fujoshis are bigoted who think they are left leaning Na jieun
How have you not declared legally braindead yet. If attacking your fellow queers is your idea of being “left-leaning” then I’m glad I left the crucible of party-based politics ages ago. Trans girl fujoshis rise up <3
How have you not declared legally braindead yet. If attacking your fellow queers is your idea of being “left-leaning” then I’m glad I left the crucible of party-based politics ages ago. Trans girl fujosh... Jax
Queers= spicy straight people and a few bisexuals <3, hope this helps and you misspelled intelligent and realistic, and still didn't answer my question of what makes a woman a woman. Biology and women's rights>>>>>>
why do people bring those kinda discussion to manga site , like this suppose to be where I escape from real life mess (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 sakurakou
? My point was that a lot of the people who rail against yaoi and fujoshis are insane, gender-critical weirdos. And frankly, even though this conversation originated from this ridiculous torture porn goon bait yaoi that you and I both enjoy, that doesn’t mean we should just be quiet and let bigots accuse other queer people on this site of rape and homophobia. Sorry mangago isn’t the apolitical wonderland you want it to be.
? My point was that a lot of the people who rail against yaoi and fujoshis are insane, gender-critical weirdos. And frankly, even though this conversation originated from this ridiculous torture porn goon bait... Jax
their was gay guys on Twitter before it became X who wanted to cyperbully me for reading yaoi , kept guilt trapping me and telling me I was reason why gay men can't come out or live their lives normally and lot other stuff that doesn't have anything to do with yaoi , some gay men can be as phobic toward yaoi as straight women toward transwomen. some people are just karens
How have you not declared legally braindead yet. If attacking your fellow queers is your idea of being “left-leaning” then I’m glad I left the crucible of party-based politics ages ago. Trans girl fujosh... Jax
Don’t try to reply to her anymore, she’s probably a troll with the way she responds
Yeah I kind of realized when she replied to someone saying she “liked Hitler’s manifesto” Jax
I liked reading Hitler's manifesto because I am interested in psychology and criminology. That doesn't mean I condone it. The difference between you and I is that I don't condone Nazism, homophobia and rape. Try harder with your lies<3 And the hypocrisy to accuse me of Nazism when you love rape yaoi
Crazy how 40+ people liked a comment on here condemning this story and saying that yaoi readers are homophobic and condone rape in real life! And what do you know! The OP is a terf who did a full self-expose, claiming that trans women only "think they are women" (they are women). And that they're porn addicts and rape apologists! When I say this stupid anti-fujo craze on this site is 9/10 times a dogwhistle for bigotry, I mean it. Some folks aren't even drinking the kool-aid anymore. They're butt-chugging it. What ever happened to shame????