Their bickering before finally becoming official pissed me off so baddddddd. I really like them hehe. It was such a stupid argument that made so much sense for their characters. I enjoyed the story, but I wish Josh's relationship baggage was explored a liiiiiittle bit more. And the thing with the photo? "I'm gonna put this photo of him and his ex-fiance in an empty frame he has :3" *never comes up again*. But yeah. Liked it. Good and short.
Their bickering before finally becoming official pissed me off so baddddddd. I really like them hehe. It was such a stupid argument that made so much sense for their characters. I enjoyed the story, but I wish Josh's relationship baggage was explored a liiiiiittle bit more. And the thing with the photo? "I'm gonna put this photo of him and his ex-fiance in an empty frame he has :3" *never comes up again*. But yeah. Liked it. Good and short.