I definitely agree with you on the idea of kids not knowing wtf to do with their time and trying to push their way into adult spaces instead of staying safe, but there's no need to bring up neurodiversity in a derogatory way... plenty of the grown adults on this site ALSO have autism and adhd and may be self-diagnosed. I don't think you meant anything by it, but there is a lot of casual ableism on this site, and I don't want to make a space for more of it.

Getting a professional opinion is the best option, of course. However you are not considering the thousands of people (mainly in America) who don't have insurance or flat-out can't afford to get a clinical diagnosis. Obviously not every person who self-diagnoses will get it right, but why go after them for trying to assess their own mental health? It's not even the 'autistic pronouns in bio' people you're referring to specifically that hate creative freedom in fiction. It's just people who feel the need to fight against some kind of hot-button issue in the world and are targeting yaoi instead of doing literally anything else. Please realize that you are using alt-right talking points that are meant to demonize neurodiverse people, even if you don't mean to.

You cannot take care of your mental health by self diagnosing yourself, that is not how medicine works. American health care really fucked up them americans in the head that they think it is ok to do since they cant afford it. It is like breaking your leg and trying to heal it at home bcs u cant afford it. Self diagnose is not real and again REALLY harmful.

False-equivalence, I fear. Injuring your leg and trying to remedy it yourself at home is completely different from a ND person doing their own research and trying to figure out if they have a mental illness. If ND people can't afford an official diagnosis, then how are they supposed to receive treatment? How is a baseline supposed to be set for their peers and family to accommodate them? Is self dx the most foolproof method? Of course not, but the idea that until you get a professional, clinical diagnosis, you're not ND, you're just some stupid kid is what's harmful. I don't think we can come to an agreement on this, so I'd prefer if we just put it to rest. My original comment was just a joke.

Dude, I’ve been professionally diagnosed. I have been for my entire adult life. Can’t say I appreciate the browbeating but if you want to put your money where your mouth is, you’d fight against the institutions that make getting a professional opinion so hard instead of ripping on underprivileged autistic people. <3
Looking at these comments you KNOW some suburban white mom is getting blackout drunk and forgot to take away her 13 year old's ipad