Omgggg the egg hatchedddd thank you god... But one thing though after hearing the backstor...

Aditi February 12, 2025 5:37 am

Omgggg the egg hatchedddd thank you god... But one thing though after hearing the backstory of teh bird people my opinion was she did exactly what anyone in that position would do I mean come on first they make her child believe he will become the king and take away his childhood and then make another child and tell nope you ain't becoming the king and made him mentally unstable... So I don't really feel sorry for the child (is that a bad thing?) also I think koichi would have also been li3k *wtf bro* after hearing the the story

    mercygrim96 February 12, 2025 10:20 pm

    I feel similarly, except I do feel bad for the baby because it was innocent. The bird king and the family are to blame.

    FungyToes February 14, 2025 4:27 pm

    All though I do understand and it fucken pisses me off too but I’m guessing their way of ruling isn’t as advanced since they go based on the blessing they have been given. And when shit goes down no one knows how to help or assist in those situations and just kinda let “nature” take course of who ever if the strongest and fittest to rules