
I’ve consumed so much omega-verse based on bl that I’m now yearning hete why the hell is their hate YALL TAKE YAOI BUT DRAW THE LINE WHEN ITS STRAIGHT id get stone to death if it was the other way around
Omegaverse in general is peak concept to me so I don’t care abt pairing I’ll take anything … yall love to shit on one in order to lift the other
the whole concept of omegaverse originated from women being able to get pregnant anyways so idk why yall r sooooo mad when u see a het omegaverse story....and yall never even mention wanting to see an omegaverse gl story, only bls when there's PLENTY of bls!!! it's giving fake woke!! pls stfu and let the hetero omegaverse loving readers enjoy this sht just like u enjoy omegaverse bls!! and may we get more omegaverse gl stories while we're at it so u btches can stfu!!! but i bet yall wouldn't read it bcs yall r lowkey misogynistic