I don't know if I would call what happened in chapter two assault but citing the comment anyway. Why every time a character who was a victim of assault and has a monologue blaming himself or trying to minimize the fact you think that the author is minimizing, condoning or normalizing it? like, do you know the levels of sexual aggression that women suffer in japan?
when male authors write fucked up shit everyone tries to find deep meaning to it (ahem eroguro)
so why when women write the same shit you guys instantly jump to the worst ‘she is normalizing, promoting, condoning’ when they are actually the ones who will experience it at least one time in their lives, they have the right to play with it, they are not appropiating a experience that don’t belong to them, its a daily fear for them. the fact that some prefer to see this as someone using us for ‘weird shit’ instead of an instance to share experiences because queer/gay men also have high levels of assault is just so ?! to me
is not that you Have to like problematic stories, but there is a really visible pattern. When men use women to write problematic stories people's reaction is always something like 'ok, this is disgusting, but isn't it interesting how you can interpret this as..’ but when women who are most likely to live these problematic things do the same it is always ‘another gross hag fantasy’
I don't know if I would call what happened in chapter two assault but citing the comment anyway. Why every time a character who was a victim of assault and has a monologue blaming himself or trying to minimize the fact you think that the author is minimizing, condoning or normalizing it? like, do you know the levels of sexual aggression that women suffer in japan?
when male authors write fucked up shit everyone tries to find deep meaning to it (ahem eroguro)
so why when women write the same shit you guys instantly jump to the worst ‘she is normalizing, promoting, condoning’ when they are actually the ones who will experience it at least one time in their lives, they have the right to play with it, they are not appropiating a experience that don’t belong to them, its a daily fear for them. the fact that some prefer to see this as someone using us for ‘weird shit’ instead of an instance to share experiences because queer/gay men also have high levels of assault is just so ?! to me
is not that you Have to like problematic stories, but there is a really visible pattern. When men use women to write problematic stories people's reaction is always something like 'ok, this is disgusting, but isn't it interesting how you can interpret this as..’ but when women who are most likely to live these problematic things do the same it is always ‘another gross hag fantasy’