is this a slow burn or are we just used to mcs having sex and falling in love within like ...

who’s the hottest bl top? February 12, 2025 4:15 am

is this a slow burn or are we just used to mcs having sex and falling in love within like 2 chapters LMAOOOA i’m liking the pacing tho! we actually get to see some development

    room_904 February 12, 2025 5:56 am

    Its a slow burn yes but....this isn't really a spoiler more like a vague warning

    it's not a very enjoyable one once you know all the details leading up to the peak* of their relationship. (as someone who read the novel, some charactersyou may have loved in the main atory you might not love so much in the spin-off)

    Chickenbread February 12, 2025 12:36 pm
    Its a slow burn yes but....this isn't really a spoiler more like a vague warning it's not a very enjoyable one once you know all the details leading up to the peak* of their relationship. (as someone who read t... room_904

    Wait who would we not like?? The main couple of omega complex??

    who’s the hottest bl top? February 12, 2025 2:50 pm
    Its a slow burn yes but....this isn't really a spoiler more like a vague warning it's not a very enjoyable one once you know all the details leading up to the peak* of their relationship. (as someone who read t... room_904

    WAIT HUH pls don’t tell me this everything is so good rn!!!!! what are we not gonna like????

    room_904 February 12, 2025 9:26 pm
    Wait who would we not like?? The main couple of omega complex?? Chickenbread

    nah the main couple are fine, it's how the relationship between Wooyeon and Dohyun goes. I'm not gonna spoil anything but I will say that it becomes irritating.

    Mckinli1234 February 28, 2025 1:16 am
    Its a slow burn yes but....this isn't really a spoiler more like a vague warning it's not a very enjoyable one once you know all the details leading up to the peak* of their relationship. (as someone who read t... room_904

    Omg may you please tell me who? I’m very curious

    room_904 February 28, 2025 2:23 am
    Omg may you please tell me who? I’m very curious Mckinli1234

    If you actually wanna know I'll tell you....

    it's Dohyun, he will do nothing but disappoint you this whole story (nice* characters aren't always actually nice, some of them are 2faced)

    room_904 February 28, 2025 2:28 am

    If you want full spoilers (from the novel) I recommend reading leleix's review on Novel updates for Alpha Trauma, they explained the feelings I had towards the story and characters really well.

    Mckinli1234 March 4, 2025 3:59 am
    If you want full spoilers (from the novel) I recommend reading leleix's review on Novel updates for Alpha Trauma, they explained the feelings I had towards the story and characters really well. room_904

    Yup I just read their review and it made me really uncomfortable with how the ML describes the Mc’s body as childish that is very weird