Honestly this is one of the stories where the FL doesn't need a ML cause she is doing amazing on her own, bit since this is a romance story we can't avoid it, the ML really has to step it up cause seeing how amazing Natasha is it's gonna be hard to catch up to her level
Honestly have we even met the real ML? Like sure her assistant & ex-brother like her, but there's so little development on that front i doubt they're endgame. Maybe the assistant but he's gonna need to have more presence for me to believe it
Honestly have we even met the real ML? Like sure her assistant & ex-brother like her, but there's so little development on that front i doubt they're endgame. Maybe the assistant but he's gonna need to have... GreenTea
If i remember correctly i read somwhere in the comments that the ML is gonna show up later in the story
Honestly this is one of the stories where the FL doesn't need a ML cause she is doing amazing on her own, bit since this is a romance story we can't avoid it, the ML really has to step it up cause seeing how amazing Natasha is it's gonna be hard to catch up to her level