after reading ch 31 i think i can say the writing is just really bad aksljlksgklhg like i said i love this story!! i love the characters!! but the author has SUCH a hard time writing characters flaws that DON'T involve the urge to rape/SA someone. the act is both treated like a traumatic experience and at the same time dismissed as a joke. beomjun first raped heejae because he wanted him to hate him before he left. idk. ig to temper the hurt from leaving with the intention of never seeing him again? the only thing that came out of it was heejae's newly developed phobia of being touched and a linger admiration/feelings for the much older man that raped him. now, in chapter 30, the writing was setting up heejae to be raped AGAIN by that ugly ass pink haired bastard and his friends. however the very next chapter after heejae understandably faints before the act happens, this plave bambi wannabe freaks out and rushes him to the nurse. why. why was this played off as a joke. was this supposed to be a moment where the big, scary bully actually has a soft side? was this supposed to make me like him? no!!!! and in the same chapter the bottom from love remedy kisses heejae when he's DRUNK and not lucid. like please!!! if he's annoying then just let him stay annoying. i don't want to be forced to like a bully. resorting to using our goddess sabrina carpenter to make us like him,,,,,
it's just an awful feeling waiting every week for the next update and seeing the author continuously makes dubious writing choices like this ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ this author needs to make up their mind about they want to handle heejae's trauma alkshlgkshgl
that being said i wrote all of this while emotionally charged without translating every line so,,, ig take what i say with a grain of salt
I read it before noticing the chapter numbers doesn’t match with this site’s update and your spoiler tag but I feel like I’d agree with you bestie, even though I didn’t read chp 31 yet lmao
I read it before noticing the chapter numbers doesn’t match with this site’s update and your spoiler tag but I feel like I’d agree with you bestie, even though I didn’t read chp 31 yet lmao Fel
oops! sorry haha. i used the chapter numbers from another site
What in the actual fuck. I went to check the raws after reading this and was still disgusted. I would hope it didn't get worse but it probably will. I hope there's no more rape not just from pink dude or ml but from anyone but again there probs will be
after reading ch 31 i think i can say the writing is just really bad aksljlksgklhg like i said i love this story!! i love the characters!! but the author has SUCH a hard time writing characters flaws that DON'T involve the urge to rape/SA someone. the act is both treated like a traumatic experience and at the same time dismissed as a joke. beomjun first raped heejae because he wanted him to hate him before he left. idk. ig to temper the hurt from leaving with the intention of never seeing him again? the only thing that came out of it was heejae's newly developed phobia of being touched and a linger admiration/feelings for the much older man that raped him. now, in chapter 30, the writing was setting up heejae to be raped AGAIN by that ugly ass pink haired bastard and his friends. however the very next chapter after heejae understandably faints before the act happens, this plave bambi wannabe freaks out and rushes him to the nurse. why. why was this played off as a joke. was this supposed to be a moment where the big, scary bully actually has a soft side? was this supposed to make me like him? no!!!! and in the same chapter the bottom from love remedy kisses heejae when he's DRUNK and not lucid. like please!!! if he's annoying then just let him stay annoying. i don't want to be forced to like a bully. resorting to using our goddess sabrina carpenter to make us like him,,,,,
it's just an awful feeling waiting every week for the next update and seeing the author continuously makes dubious writing choices like this ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ this author needs to make up their mind about they want to handle heejae's trauma alkshlgkshgl
that being said i wrote all of this while emotionally charged without translating every line so,,, ig take what i say with a grain of salt