Hello, I don't how else I can reach you other than this, but I just want to say that I really appreciate the effort and work that you do in ensuring to upload the best quality translates for manga/manhwas alike. Thank you for giving me the best and letting me experience the full experience. As of now I'm someone who can't support the authors other than reading in webtoon, but someday, I wish I can donate to them, to you, and tell them how thankful I am that they wrote/posted these stories which helped me get through the saddest days of my life. Once again, thank you

I'm a screenshot uploader who always tell myself "what am I getting myself into?" "this shit so tiring" "why did I even start this? I wanna read!" whenever I try to upload something (I only did some abandoned stories lol).. seriously... I'm just not up to that task. I like to read more instead nanachi has taught me some tricks with some links to upload faster and easier but my mind just keeps going for "I wanna read. I wanna read!" instead
To uploaders of mang@go, as fellow uploaders, I was just wondering if you ever experienced burnout while uploading. With how many manhwas/manhuas/mangas that you posted all of the time, do you ever take a break or two?
For me, I have been uploading continuously for a while, like, goddamn, how am I still alive? XD
PS to anyone who knows me!
I'm NOT burnout! I'm just CURIOUS! Don't want to accidentally give someone a fright. Uploading has become a part of my routine, and I like it that way.