Spoilers mentioned form novel readers:
There’s a bunch of deaths in the story, with what looks like only MC and Jerome survive in the end. There’s multiple time skips, and the story goes on starting from their 20s to 30s.
So they say George was a victim too, but he likely also got Stockholm syndrome and just became hugh’s lover and joined in with him. Apparently Hugh and George were the ones who raped all of the predecessors and simon+jerome didn’t rape the predecessors, and only started doing it to mc first. So George aint to be trusted at all even if he used to be a victim. He loves Hugh and will do what Hugh wants. Eventually MC kills Hugh and George will be the one who tries to get revenge on MC for that. George does bad things to MC, along with killing someone/people MC cared for. MC or jerome(?) ends up killing George.
Hugh seems to be the mastermind and the one who controls everyone, which included Jerome, Simon, and George. Hugh’s family also does the same acts and I guess Hugh got that mindset from his family, truly being messed up just like them. MC tries to kill them all by setting the place on fire but only successfully kills Hugh and also accidentally gets two other people dead(?), one of which was a friend that helped MC. I guess MC didn’t know his friend was there at the time.
Time skip (4/5 years) happens, MC is a retired navy. Meets Jerome, George, and Simon again. Gets bad things done to him yet again. All have different motives, which Jerome and Simon are obsessed with him, George wants revenge. Another time skip of 8 years happens but i forgot when lmao. The story feels all over the place and has so much content. Along with new section with new characters. Backstory is revealed of Jerome+Simon. Both were sent as children to hugh’s family, which just messed them both up during their childhood. They gave Jerome drugs and made him a stallion (forced to rape many women as a child). While Simon was almost forced to do the same with the drug, but got away due to it not affecting him as much. So they just neglect him, which also messed him up mentally. Jerome wants revenge on hugh’s family.
MC does develop Stockholm syndrome over time. At some point he ends up in a relationship with Jerome and Simon (which the two don’t like). Simon goes crazy again due to his psychological issues, tries to kill MC, which in turn, Jerome kills Simon. Jerome and MC end up together in the end. Hugh’s family doesn’t get real punishment, but loses their heirs.
Some people say that this is worse than non zero sum and no reason. I guess if you count the amount of gang rape+rape in it then yeah. It depends on what exactly you deem as worse (like is physical violence the worst for you or amount of rape, mindbreak, etc).But in my opinion I think non zero sum and no reason is worse- FOR NOW at least until the full manhwa is still ongoing and I actually see the contents in its entirety. I think it’s cause in this one, the mc seems to fight back a lot? Compared to non zero sum, where it the mc is totally mindbroken there. And no reason had some pretty stomach-turning moments that I can’t forget. (That one fisting scene made me wanna vomit). Although if you don’t count that scene maybe I’d think this is worse than no reason?
Ngl I’m surprised these specific genre of dark BL authors haven’t just written full crime documentaries lmfao. That would actually make more sense if they put all that thought to work. It’s pretty wild that there’s still more horrible real life stories worse than these BL fiction works. (Like junko furuta case. If an author actually had that level of detail, I’d genuinely be terrified).
Anyways on another note, I checked out the novel spoilers thread and despite there being the most content of spoilers there, the way the spoilers was written was so hard to understand- it didn’t make sense at times. It’s like reading a wattpad story of a scene and trying to imagine the scene being described and the writer isn’t making sense LOL. (Ex: “He pushed me against the wall and stared into my eyes. I felt hot as I was on my stomach shivering beneath him). I would read one part of a spoiler of a scene but then some stuff wouldn’t even make sense and felt like a part was taken out to jump to the next action of the characters.
It’s better written here if you find someone who shared spoilers in the comments from what they read in the novel. And maybe like one review was a bit detailed on the novel page reviews section (which still wasn’t enough because they also said they didn’t want to spoil much).
Continued in comments of what I read in the spoilers, below