Spoil me on the second couple plz 😖 I'm scared to read it, I need warnings

Spoil me on the second couple plz I'm scared to read it, I need warnings

    The therapist February 11, 2025 6:35 am


    readingwhileeating February 11, 2025 7:18 am

    The spoiler
    Uryu feels invisible at home, which is why he doesn’t like going back, no matter how good of a person he tries to (feeling a bit inferior to older siblings) so while he knows what he’s doing is bad, he chooses to do so because he thinks that’s the only way he can get someone to pay attention to him. He tells Haru this and Haru will ask Uryu to not continue

    Uryu actions will bite him in the butt later as a stranger puts him in a scary situation but Haru will save Uryu before it goes very far. From there things will start to be better for Uryu, with his family and the romance of the second couple will start to grow after that scary situation.

    The therapist February 11, 2025 7:44 am
    The spoiler...........Uryu feels invisible at home, which is why he doesn’t like going back, no matter how good of a person he tries to (feeling a bit inferior to older siblings) so while he knows what he’s... readingwhileeating

    What's the bad thing we're talking about? It's so vague can you be more clear please

    readingwhileeating February 11, 2025 7:55 am
    What's the bad thing we're talking about? It's so vague can you be more clear please The therapist

    The more specific spoiler

    He gets stalked and kidnapped by an old partner, force fed the pill to force him into the mood, dragged to bathroom and guy pulled out his phone before anything happened saying he wanted to get pictures/video and then Haru arrives to save Uryu before anything actually starts

    readingwhileeating February 11, 2025 7:59 am
    What's the bad thing we're talking about? It's so vague can you be more clear please The therapist

    Wait omg I’m so sorry I feel like it’s possible you might be asking what Uryu was doing that was bad so I’ll just also make it clear that Uryu was choosing to meet with older partners because he believed that that was the only way to get anyone to pay attention or look at him. My previous comment above this one is about the scary situation with the stranger—

    The therapist February 11, 2025 11:03 am
    Wait omg I’m so sorry I feel like it’s possible you might be asking what Uryu was doing that was bad so I’ll just also make it clear that Uryu was choosing to meet with older partners because he believed ... readingwhileeating

    Oh it's okayyy i get it and thank youu soo muchhh, honestly whenever author adds stuffs like this with minors and let's say just their character. I feel like it's way for them to show their sick fetishes cause if you want to portray smth serious, do it in another manga without the tag of smut. Finna have to frop this one now

    Wait omg I’m so sorry I feel like it’s possible you might be asking what Uryu was doing that was bad so I’ll just also make it clear that Uryu was choosing to meet with older partners because he believed ... readingwhileeating

    Thank you for sharing!!!