Nah, u are right.. I always felt that Jo was too nice and "normal" for Ian, I felt bad seeing him fall in love with someone who wasn't over his past, and i don't think ian really deserves it because he keeps thinking about tj. i think ian is just comfortable with the situation, not comfortable (in love) with jo, those are different things. ian and tj's relationship can actually be fixed, they just need to talk. and tj is already aware of his actions too, i think he now understand how love should work (that's why he let ian go).
actually, i also understand why Ian still thinks about tj. he can't possibly forget his 19-years memories just like that, right? and also, he didn't really want to run away from tj, he just didn't want to be associated with gang. ian and tj started to apart from each other because tj was the one who let ian go, not ian who ran away from tj (after jason death). so i always thought, from the start ian really wanted tj
Jo definitely doesn't know even 1% of what's going on and he's falling head over heels for Ian. Also you're right about Ian's feelings, he's comfortable with jo because he doesn't have to be on his guards all the time and there's no drama, but it's not love. They just fuck, go on dates and that's it lol, where is the emotional connection. And I actually got angry when Ian wanted to run after tj while tj was going back to him, just for jo to interfere like aaaaaaaaah. I know they could have said so many meaningful things to each other, they needed this time together.
FRRRRR i almost cried when i saw jo interfere them. And if it wasn't for that, maybe wetsand would have ended arghhh.. and..i think, maybe ian's intention to talk to jo (chapter 67 or 68) is about him wanting to leave? And after what happened (last chapter) maybe ian will run away or return to tj. Well, that's just my guess. And also if tj finds out that ian has just killed another person, maybe he will come out from his hiding, meet ian and clean up the mess ian made. I really still hope that tj and ian will fix their relationship, huft..
I don’t usually like love triangles but the plot is soooo good i’m addicted. But i need to know what you all think because i feel so toxic to yearn for ian and tj endgame. Because jo is a good guy, and he’s showing ian that he can be loved peacefully. And yes he’s jealous but come on everyone would be jealous if you knew your crush was still thinking about his nineteen-year situationship who also happens to be more powerful, rich, and naturally gifted down there than you. So jo is a whole ass green flag but it’s booooring. Sorry i know i shouldn’t think this because it’s a healthy relationship but godamn idc i’m not here to elevate my morals. i need every chapter to be about this doomed relationship and how it impacts the gang. Like it feels so forced for jo and ian to be together whereas ian and tj ??!?!? The chemistry and angst and pent-up feelings that every scene of them had is just perfect. And i know tj is toxic, he’s obsessive and had emotionally manipulated ian for years because he knows that ian is just the biggest cutie patootie but they were each other rock for almost two decades (and also downfalls, goes both ways). Even if it’s toxic, it’s just so much more interesting than what ian have with jo. Just go get your photography degree or whatever and never come back, that’s not your world. Even his backstory feels bland next to them. And we can see that tj is reflecting on himself and keeping his distance from ian, they just need to seek therapy for a few years and they can get back together ! I know i’m delusional, please knock some sense into my head (or tell me i’m right hihi)