Gonna say an unpopular opinion vut i really didnt like cain. Sorry but his entire story wa...

rekisbunny February 10, 2025 12:57 pm

Gonna say an unpopular opinion vut i really didnt like cain. Sorry but his entire story was a mess. Cause tell me why did this guy just pop out of nowhere in a non-fantasy manhwa telling everybody that he remembers being a dog and that jooin was his master? Then going all the way from america to korea just cause he still has this obsession with his “master” from an apparent past life? What the hell even was that. It felt so undeveloped and unfinished. Not saying i am exactly glad that jooin ended up with yahwi but it was pretty obvious who the endgame is gonna be. Anyways, this entire story really fell down so hard.

    OrGlob February 11, 2025 9:05 am

    Yeah I agree with you, this wasn't even a fantasy story, why did the author go with this back story for cain? Really hard to understand

    Urwierdofujoshi March 8, 2025 4:24 am

    I had to dislike cause u said u disliked cain cause i love him but i do agree with this comment the author was just doing shit tbh