I think it does make sense tbh.

Vegapunk Evil (Lilith) February 25, 2025 9:56 am

People have a problem with the main character not realizing that the seme is his friend, but that's because the mc is a superficial person who values the idea of popularity and having a friend group over actually maintaining his friendships. He doesn't know most of these people in the same way they don't really know him. He recognizes the subculture they belong to, the clothes they wear, but not who they are. The only person in his friend circle he really recognizes is Suu. And that's because Suu is both an exceptionally open person and the unspoken leader of the group. It stands to reason that somebody so hung up on hard lines between types of people wouldn't even consider that the guy who he doesn't really pay attention to anyways would have an alter-ego that presents in such a radically different way.

Also, as a faceblind person who has had friends with natural hair colors: if somebody with a face that doesn't have any uncommon features parts their hair different and adds/removes glasses, it is really really hard to be confident that they aren't a completely different person.

All that to say, I'm obsessed with this story's premise and if anybody has recs for other yaoi where a character disguises themself for ANY REASON, please let me know. Or yuri/het. I'm not picky.
