these are such good questions and ur lowkey right about it maybe being another 100 chapters until they get answered . so i read all of the raws until the end of s2 and maybe only 1/2 of one of ur questions gets answered . and s3 comes out in august so i fear i may already have grandkids by the time ts finishes. author keeps edging us with all of these mysteries.

Okay so I just finished binging this series
So here’s what I’ve gathered so far since it’s still pretty fresh in my head
1 we don’t know what the actual ritual entails and I don’t think they mentioned anything like a person being sacrificed (not counting the lil stories Lau and Xin read together as kids which could possibly be foreshadowing)
They keep up with the rituals as a superstition or that’s what they tell us (which is sus)
2 honestly them coming together to escape would be such a cool idea. Plus this would be the PERFECT opportunity for the collateral lines to break away from the head family since they basically murdered the one of the collateral families already (aka the idol girl’s family). By taking away Xin the head family looses their prestige and power they hold over them and the added benefit of Xin escaping. But makes u wonder why they used such an EGREGIOUS amount of ink that poisons him. Anyways I really love ur theory
3 from what I remember from the story the hero and the wolf never fought the dragon. The dragon made a promise that whoever summoned him would be blessed with luck and wealth. But when the hero summoned him the dragon was pissed af and made fun of the hero but the wolf got angry and defended him saying that the hero wasn’t greedy or smth along the lines of that. The dragon was impressed by what the wolf said and the hero’ character that he blessed him.
4 I feel like they’d be an ally cause if u think about it when the 1st heir came to power but then later disappeared the second family was the one who disagreed with the other collateral lines that they should NOT restrict the first heirs by keeping them locked up to maintain the guise of power the first family holds. So I feel like they’ll be like an undercover help
5 BRO FRRRR like who tf are these elders they needa be put into a retirement home like goddamn
Anyways sorry for the long ass reply but ur questions are helping me put everything in order in my head after finishing this binge TT

1 the normal ritual includes sacrificing a turtle shell with some carved pattern but theres no turtle shell this year by the looks of it, which is why a lot of fans think they're gonna sacrifice xin like the turtle shell, wouldnt put it past them tbh cuz the zhou familys just a cult atp. but i also dont rly get why they would do that tbh like what would they even achieve by killing their "symbol" of their religion. also im not gonna get into spoilers too much but i rly dont get the head familys motive for the tattoo considering what the design of the tattoo means. so much mystery still left ughhhh
2 yall r right it would be so cool i believe in my girlie lian. its obvious she still really cares about xin even while basically killing him, going as far as to threaten chen on his behalf. but at the same time shes rly creepy over him and also she's likely been raised to obey the head family no matter what so they probably put her up to this. idk if she's doing it on xin's behalf or the head family's. i suspect we'll see her backstory in s3. the authors also rly good at making u feel sympathy for characters u previously hated so hopefully my pookie lian isn't actually that bad. but yeah i rly dont get whats the point of pumping his shit full of poison, makes no sense to me tbh (hence why i think its some sorta sacrifice thing?)
3 i lowkey dont think the wolf was real, or at the very least irl it was a person not a wolf. cuz isnt lau supposed to be a descendent of him or some shit? how would a human be a descendent of a wolf? (unless they evolved into furries then humans or smth??). also keep in mind everything we know about the guy is from head family records. ive learned not to trust anything the head family says tbh
4 the author is rly good at using chekov's guns so i hope the 2nd family comes back somehow. my current theory is that maybe lau's dad was an agent of the 2nd family or smth?? and thats why he killed lau's mom
5 i find it rly interesting how we've been fighting an invisible threat so far, i wonder if the author's ever gonna show them to us tbh. the only people we ever see is the head family's servants acting on behalf of the head family. i rly wonder how lau will be able to fight something so powerful and elusive, or even if he'll succeed (he better succeed istg this better not be a tragedy TwT).

1. Oh I thought since the sacrificial turtle was going extinct so chen family was in charge of aquarium which was kinda a legal way to bring in those illegal turtle for the sacrifices while maintaining continuous supply, or else what would be the role of chen collateral family.
2. Lian did show protectiveness towards xin but I can sense no honest vibes from her, even if they do come to work together I feel like she will only comply if xin has to offer more than the head family, but I will keep my mind open for her backstory.
3. Yea, either this wolf was actually a human of some other race which wasn't usual for the common people then, or maybe the author will mix in some supernatural stuffs?? The only supernatural stuff we have till now is the superhuman strength of the guardains, excited for their backstory!!
4. Yea these 2nd family was really wiped out from everywhere like we didn't even see glimpse of any face even as a reader. I actually forgot many things about lau's backstory since xin side kept me so intruged and busy, but I hope we get backstory on them as well.
5. I would hate this story to be a tragedy. I think the only possible way I see rn is joining of all the people who hate head family and working together to bring them down, I do think we are in need of more powerful allies, rn everyone who could possible be on xin's side seems pretty weak except lian who we don't know for sure is on which side. Well I'm all for the ride

1 mb i phrased that badly lol. everything u said is true lol. i meant it seems that this year the ritual isnt gonna involve a turtle shell at all cuz chen didn't mention anything about that. i feel like theyre using xin in the ritual instead of the turtle shell this year. just a hunch
2 yeah tbh lian's just a very tough character to pin down. i read the raws and there are portions where she says stuff with a creepy aura but i have no idea what she's saying cuz google translate is absolute doodoo
3 small correction tho i dont it much myself tbh, there is another supernatural element to the story. most of the guardians have a voice in their head that sounds like their heir calling them. (this will be important later on)
4 tbh there wasnt much to remember about lau's backstory LOL. it was just that his dad killed his rich asf mom with a sword. i suspect ofc that his dad is going to be important cuz they also obscured his face. (bro prolly looks exactly like lau & miu tho cuz their mom lost harddd in the passing down her genes game)
5 yeahhh same i might actually just cry myself to sleep every night for the rest of my life if xin dies. yeah literally none of the collateral lines have power (except lian like u said) so im rly excited to know how and even if lau & everyone else can defeat the head family. (maybe the 2nd family or his dad will come back or smth??)

1. Yea seems like it, cause the usual preparation of the turtle is mentioned nowhere instead there's this whole sacrificial stuffs going on.
2. She would be a good ally as well as a good villain imo I would rock with whatever the author throws.
3. Omg I absolutely forgot about this, it actually is so cool and I can already imagine number of scenes where this perk is gonna be useful, I hope we see more fleshed out version of this connection later on in the story.
4. Lol then I hope we see more into it, I wish Lau conveniently gets some cool powers along the line or some training arc, my boy is kinda weak rn.
5. I hope we see actual characters of the head family elders or members, their own story and motives and then maybe we can see the light and find that happy ending.
I know it may take another 100 chapters to answer all my questions but God I'm so curious.
1. What is the actual ritual the head family is so keen on following is it actual sacrifice of xin or something else and what benefit would they get from such superstition, has one of these sacrifices done before and bought good results so they doing again??
2. Is that short girl lian with xin or against him?? I know she was the one behind arranging tattoos and infiltrating the annex which caused such mental distraught to xin but then again he says he knew she was the one behind and even in the end when he leaves he goes with lian and her guardian. So is this some master mind plan from xin or did they came to some kind of consensus and decided to work together??
3. I'm also actually curious about the dragon in the original story, was it an actual dragon, what powers did it have, how did the legend hero fight and won against a dragon with just a wolf, or was its something symbolic and how did the dragon helped make the Zhou family so influential and if we are going to see that dragon or something symbolic if the dragon in the future chps.
4. This 2nd collateral family who vanished after they went against the main family also is bothering, it feels like they will make an appearance soon or they already have and is working bts I worry they will became one more enemy towards xin.
5. And lastly who tf are these head elders who make all these major decisions for all the families, for how important their role is we haven't even seen a glimpse of them or any major info. This makes me think we are still very behind in the main crux of the story and this manhwa may cross 200+ chaps (not complaining).
Btw love this manhwa so much thank you to the random commentor who recommended this