Not bad...but...

PmChivas February 10, 2025 2:08 pm

It's not bad, but....the story started off very interesting with possible unrequited feelings towards the ML and eventually we learn that the ML is also suffering from unexpressed feelings towards the MC. Since HS they've suffered from miscommunication and leaping toward conclusions concerning each other, although more so on the MC's side than ML. The drama heading towards togetherness. Completely understood.

But then the ML went from rich and aloof acquaintance to rich and psycho-jealous-stalker boyfriend. And there were clues that ML's head may not be functioning as properly as those around him perceived, but MC shrugged it off as cute quirks. (Nah!!)

-- Forcing a movie theatre date because MC was hanging out with his friends.
-- Deciding to have MC move in newlywed-style without discussing it with MC.
-- Keeping a WHOLE frickin' album of candid shots of MC.
-- Using/Forcing sexual activity on MC when ML gets annoyed, jealous, or angry with MC.

This story becomes less cute the more you realize the ML is mentally unstable due to his upbringing with his unhinged Mother and absentee Father. Instead of getting the therapy ML desperately needed -- he decided to stalk his classmate who refused to take advantage of his wealth. (⊙…⊙ )
