What if sooji starts living with jaehyuk? Whatever his name is he can go to school and wor...

KENNADIENE February 9, 2025 4:48 pm

What if sooji starts living with jaehyuk? Whatever his name is he can go to school and work he will be fine without his father

    mio’s here February 9, 2025 6:53 pm

    i think this would work out too !! sooji seems uncomfy w a lot of ppl, if he lived w jaehyuk he would have his own space

    Person_추 February 10, 2025 7:08 am

    I thought the same, but then I thought of jaehyuks parents and how they wouldn't know what's going on and stuff also let's remember his a minor so the police probably wouldn't let him unless there was some sort of adult to sign off on it his dad probably wouldn't allow it either he clearly doesn't wanna see him happy