what thee heck they could have been such great characters if they weren’t literal brothers. they could have been really close family friends or something….
Using your own words, they are not literal brothers. Gravenshi
they are not brothers by blood yes, but they are still literal brothers by law like the older one practically raised the younger one who he is now doing it with
they are not brothers by blood yes, but they are still literal brothers by law like the older one practically raised the younger one who he is now doing it with emi
The word literally does not work like that, neither does the law.
im so confused, so you’re telling me they’re not brothers? emi
A brother is a male sibling, meaning a male individual who shares at least one biological or adoptive parent with another person. A stepbrother is the son of one's stepparent who is not biologically or legally adopted as a sibling.
A brother is a male sibling, meaning a male individual who shares at least one biological or adoptive parent with another person. A stepbrother is the son of one's stepparent who is not biologically or legally ... Gravenshi
right im just gonna leave this convo here if you think its normal for stepsiblings to do it because they’re ‘not brothers’ ?? then so be it! for you to practically raise your younger brother from such an age, then manipulate him into fkcing you is not normal each to their own i guess
right im just gonna leave this convo here if you think its normal for stepsiblings to do it because they’re ‘not brothers’ ?? then so be it! for you to practically raise your younger brother from such an... emi
You are lacking reading skills. Where in Alabama did I say or imply that "its normal for stepsiblings to do it"? I was just correcting your misuse of basic English words!
what thee heck they could have been such great characters if they weren’t literal brothers. they could have been really close family friends or something….