An overused trope, cheesy cliches, and characters who were not too interesting to me — Y...

kaitlyn February 8, 2025 3:09 pm

An overused trope, cheesy cliches, and characters who were not too interesting to me — Yet, despite all of this, this work has a familiar feeling of having your heart throb. It was actually pretty sweet, and I liked the development between them. Their relationship was satisfying when they got together, and that’s what makes the story so great. Hell, I even got a physical reaction (NOT anything weird, you freaks). My hands were throbbing because of how sweet the story is, though I’m not sure how that’s even possible. But TL;DR, this story was cute.

    kaitlyn February 8, 2025 3:10 pm

    Oh yeah, don’t let the first sentence of this comment freak you out or scare you from reading this. I enjoyed it, and you should definitely read it if you want something fluffy.