It is nothing strange..
Nazis and allied forces used art to influence the war and it was greatly affective in their propaganda....
Why do you think Russia built the statue of Mother Russia to celebrate their victory against the Nazis?? For propaganda...
Art has always influenced the society... In Japan, (I hope you follow news) the way they show manga characters going after kids and having weird obsession with panties ... Are not exactly myths.. They're real and many are inspired from it...
Not before I read a very dark manga (I forgot the specifics) and it deeply affected my entire thinking process..
I wished to be killed and locked myself away for a pretty long time.. it was my one of the nastiest darkest phase...
The manga still haunts me..
If rape and incest is normalised for horny needs then believe me things are not okay with you

You need genuine help if you think fictional stories with taboos & kinks are anywhere near as harmful as propaganda.
(Mind you, exploring dark fiction is proven to be helpful by therapists whether or not you have trauma associated with the topics in the story)
Which is actually happening RIGHT NOW in the US & many other countries as well, by the way. Except I don't think you care about that because you're too busy bitching about things that are not real. Get off this website.
Your self inflicted trauma is your own problem, as harsh as it sounds but if you can't handle specific things in stories (which is understandable, no one is the same) & if it warped your REAL LIFE morals you NEED to stop seeking them out just to complain & make it worse for yourself. Talk to a professional & try to heal instead of acting insane on illegal manga websites.
Fyi this disgusting manhwa has 40 chapters and the black haired bottom ends up with the *g*rapists..
And, that's it happily ever after .. yooohooo~~~~ peace enjoy ......
Lovely ....
Victim ends up with a grapists....
In straight manhwa things are usually different, the ML gets cursed to death for exerting a little force and a neglectful treatment (regardless intentional or unintentional)..
But, in yaoi manhwa it is different...
People love such endings here...
And, absolutely the brain rottening fxxking scenes ..