I just want to let everyone with some apprehension know that these are pilot chapters, so ...

Konpeko~ February 8, 2025 2:40 pm

I just want to let everyone with some apprehension know that these are pilot chapters, so they are subject to change :)
They were released a while back, and the group behind the manhua released forms that readers could fill out about changes they'd like to see, so hopefully we get a better manhua adaptation!

    Couch-Potato February 9, 2025 8:25 am

    Ah, that's good to know. How the chapters are labeled is very misleading if this is the case...

    Konpeko~ February 9, 2025 8:31 am
    Ah, that's good to know. How the chapters are labeled is very misleading if this is the case... Couch-Potato

    They likely didn't know, as the only way I found out myself was through the LoTM disc0rd server, which provided translated versions of messages posted on Weibo about the manhua and such.