I knew this sounds like a excuse and it is not right but in that time period that was normal. The girls even younger than her were sold for family benefits
I know this sounds like a excuse and it is not right but in that time period that was normal. The girls even younger than her were sold for family benefits
I knew this sounds like a excuse and it is not right but in that time period that was normal. The girls even younger than her were sold for family benefits Lushia
True. I love the rest of the story. Just wish the age gap was likely more refined even if she was 20 years old I would’ve been more comfortable.
True. I love the rest of the story. Just wish the age gap was likely more refined even if she was 20 years old I would’ve been more comfortable. Jessie
Yea it is fiction but it came from someone's ideology Lushia
Honestly, I think the author was putting the time period into thought, doesn't mean it is their ideology. I've written things based around certain time period that society that were okay but that doesn't mean it is my ideology just a layer to put in the story. It's a separate relam.
I know she was 36 in her first life, but the idea of her as a 17 year old marrying a man in his 30s is just wrong