Need help on krita eraser and pen please !

Jun_Mika February 7, 2025 5:27 pm

I want to do like those pro artists, erasing just by clicking on their pen instead of using the keyboard. But I've been struggling ! I don't know how to change the settings for the pen on krita

    Moruoka February 7, 2025 5:52 pm

    If you’re talking about the button on the pen then you could easily adjust it in the drawing tablet software itself. Theres a pen button setting there somewhere where you can change it to any key

    Tho it can depend on the brand ur using

    Jun_Mika February 7, 2025 5:59 pm

    I was trying to look on krita's settings to change the button. But I can't find where
    (I'm French so it's harder to find cus most of the tuto are in English too)

    Moruoka February 7, 2025 7:01 pm
    I was trying to look on krita's settings to change the button. But I can't find where (I'm French so it's harder to find cus most of the tuto are in English too) Jun_Mika

    Noo not the krita software itself, its the drawing program software itself

    Non, pas le logiciel Krita, mais le logiciel de dessin lui-même.