the way jinhyeong was written is immaculate, genuinely such a raw realistic character he is so so human flaws & all and something about that is so special to me like that is my shaylaaa uyun on the other hand is my sweet darling boy i just wanna run him through a hydraulic press and see him go SPLAT
yeah i love his writing hes so well done and he pisses me the fuck off sometimes but that makes him all the better i suppose. i still think he might hurt uyun deeply at some point tho lol i might just be biased though cuz uyun is an angel in my eyes (i am biased
the way jinhyeong was written is immaculate, genuinely such a raw realistic character he is so so human flaws & all and something about that is so special to me like that is my shaylaaa uyun on the other hand is my sweet darling boy i just wanna run him through a hydraulic press and see him go SPLAT