This shit had me crying

sksksksksksk February 7, 2025 1:28 pm

You know, going into this I have been told this story is very creepy and it did make me uncomfortable. But holy shit, I never thought I would relate so much to a character. Sure, the beginning made me second guess what I was reading but the ending just had me in tears. Why? I relate so much to Seiichi. I didn’t kill my cousin, but I have lost my father who I was close with and then I have lost my mother who i was estranged from but then tried to build up some form of a relationship. This was such a good read because it reminded me of how human we are and how we grow from being kids to where we are now. Plus the complex look on postpartum psychosis and depression was refreshing. I also like how he was having my illusions of past people and how he just dealt with the regret and loss. 11/10
