No. Trust me. Save you time... The only good thing about this manhwa is a heavenly art, but the story is absolutely ordinary and the male lead is the most hateful character ever created, he is simply incredibly cruel for just no reason... It should be the kind of story with character development, where the seme is a jerk but then something happens and he starts to redeem himself, but here after 60 chapters nothing has really changed yet, and honestly even when his redemption comes you won't care because you'll have learned to hate his character so much that you'll never want to see him happy with the mc, or even in general...

Indeed, that's what I wanted to imply... Like there's a limit to everything. I usually like stories with this trope but the characters always have some qualities that make you appreciate them. JK is just nasty. Besides the author is taking too damn long, people get tired of seeing this stuff at some point... I'm sorry but his character was just poorly written... If you want to make a story that is supposed to be romantic, the characters must necessarily have qualities that the audience can appreciate, otherwise there's no point. Irl he would be the classic abusive guy you need to run as far away from as possible before he k1lls you, because people like this can't change but can get worse.

Dude...imma give you an actual POV. The fandom loves to hate. That's their whole shtick.
The story is as generic with sugardaddy/baby and a guy from humble beginnings.
It starts with a sexual contract in exchange for $14k monthly +$5k a night between ML and MC. MC's grandmother is dying and loansharks were after him, so he ACCEPTS the deal. Mean whatever happens, happens.
Overtime, both ends starts growing feels for each other, however ML uses aggression to show his varied emotions, which is why "fans" hate him. MC on the other hand is much more quiet and fragile due to his rough upbringing, barely standing up for himself and hating the contract he already agreed to. Though as you read, MC, starts giving pushback and without really noticing, ML follows through. I will not go further.
If you're interested, go for it! There are people who aren't here to only hate!

You could just express your opinion without belittling those who don't think like you... If you like it good for you, but that doesn't mean you're the good guy and everyone else is a fool. Everyone simply has their reasons, and I even argued mine as you can see. Personally I just wanted to give my honest opinion since they asked. I'm here just because I started reading when it came out and now I just want to finish it. In general you're partly right, but there's always a reason when there are so many negative comments, not everyone hates just for the fun of it, don't generalize.

I didn't belittle, though.
There are people who reads this with so much hate and it discourage new readers. I don't need to make that up, read the comments and see for yourself. Some of the hate is fluff, others are venomous. There are even some who admits that they hate-read this manwha.
As for ML, yes. They do hate him because of what they see. And even now, as he grows, the ones who are here to hate-read argues there is no growth. Some are going as far as comparing him to p.diddy...
I don't understand that one.
So, no, I'm not belittling.
Im gonns start reading this manhwa since its already in a new season, is it worth it?.
OWKIIESSS the comment section are telling me its not worth it! And im listwning ;>