Thank you. This whole thing has been so disgusting. These authors are devastated and miserable over this and people are bitching about having to pay less than a dollar for each chapter. Has anyone drawn comics before? It is soooooooo much fucking work. These artists work soooo hard, and they are so talented and they pour their hearts into their work, and people feel entitled to that work for free, at the expense of the artists financially and emotionally. It's really disgusting. How many of the whiny entitled brats here have ever had to work for a living? I'm really curious.

Yeah this whole thing is so disgusting i dont know how to form coherent view about all this, and this disgusting thing been around so long but none never make fuss like this. Why tho we never blow our top when it come to japanese or Chinese author? Enlighten me why the korean author have different treatment? We all guilty here be it concerning korean, japanese, Chinese works available here so why bash each other? (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

I guess nobody posted to their twitter yet letting them know that their work is uploaded here. That or they know it's a futile fight.

Pirating is wrong for all typed of works regardless of origin but the difference here is the recent commotion concerns Korean web comics. While people may read stuff online illegally, when it's out in print they tend to go and grab a legal physical copy as well, but if it's web comics that they can read here for free they don't want to spend on the legal translations anymore.

Re post someone's comment
Loverboy, I appriciate your notion regarding this matter but maybe don't be so condescending yeah? True, crime is crime and there is no justification for it and I think most people here know that already (and we ilegal reader gotta suck it up). The discussion regarding this matter has already talked several times in the past two days, what do you want to gain by bringing this topic again? Is it to feel the morally superior lol and yet here you are, most likely have read ilegal mangas as well. And no, you cant justify your action by saying "I bought the mangas later!" The law dont give a shit if you gonna buy it later or not, you're the same as the rest of us ilegal reader, there is no us othering yourself.

Also, it's kind of funny how instead of trying to see the point that you shouldn't be reading manhwa on here, you're more concerned with trying to rope me in as if it makes you any less guilty. It doesn't. You're basically say "but you did it too!" Even if I did read illegal manhwa (and I did not, like I said, I created the account because I was annoyed that so many people actually have the audacity to get mad at the author and the whistleblower), YOU are not any less guilty of what you did.

It's sad, isn't it? They are pathetic. Nothing but a bunch of thieving rats who think that the world owes them. It's sad and disgusting that while you tell them they're wrong, they find excuses and throw tantrums, willing to fuck over their "favorite" artistes just because they're unwilling to NOT READ when they CAN'T PAY. Where are their parents?

And how should someone believe you? You could also maybe read here as an anonymous for years already, create a quick account and write this. Well i could do that actually too ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Hey, kid. The fact that you're more focused on trying to accuse me as a illegal reader shows exactly why paying readers and authors are pissed off at you. You guys don't give a shit that you're robbing someone of their livelihood. You guys don't care and just want to keep going. Do you guys ever consider that people who are willing to pay will see that these comics are free online and not pay? You think that it doesn't affect the authors but it obviously does. I'm asking you to not be so selfish. If you want to be, at least have some shame. Sadly, it seems you don't have any shame.
Do you need screenshots of my coins on Lezhin, sweetie? Those that I worked hard for. Those that I saved up my pocket money to buy.

I don't care about your coins lol XD even with a screenshot i wont believe you. Have a nice day and dont bother to write a half essay to me, i'm not going to read it ;)

Hello! I dont really know where to start. I am quite shocked right now. (Just found out TODAY that im an illegal reader and this is an illegal site after i read Lover boy.)Few days back theirs a huge talk on mangago homepage about this girl they claim stupid. Im busy that time that i didnt really mind it, But the title/ manga Lover boy was imprint in my mind so since i have time today i start reading it. (That’s how I got here) Done. Then next, the comment/topic section.
So that the issue. ahhh.. (That’s what going on, my reaction after reading some of that)For some reason to be honest I’m so glad that i dont have tweeter acc., that i don't follow any artist/author/mangaka coz I’m stupid/idiot that never did it cross my mind that reading in this site is illegal and I’m not helping the artist/author/mangaka at all. It might be me right now, who was toasted in hate coz I too am stupid and I might tweet the author/artist/mangaka the same. Im too naive. Im sorry no one told me. (i doubt I’m the only one though)
I've started reading manga a year and a half by accident. Im bored and depressed never did i knew that theirs a manga reading site. I’m just too desperate to avert my attention that time. Upon knowing I became happy. I am happy. That maybe one of joyful moment.
To be honest $3 in USD is equivalent to 3kilos Rice and a kilo of fish here. That's how big that amount if converted here in our country. On other hand, I may say Internet is a must here at home, coz theirs a lot of student here from kids to adult (computer and internet is a great help in studies) and we need this to communicate to our bread winner who's working overseas. If I could, IF It’s cheap, if I can afford original/legal work and if it’s available here I would love to buy one. It will be an honor. But to bad coz YES I am one of those POOR, Can’t afford human who seek entertainment.
So what's my point?, I am here to say i am grateful to the artist/author/mangaka, I really do.I am grateful to the translator of those manhwa and other mangas, i am grateful for this site. For I have known those great artist, mangaka, authors all because of this site. I am sorry for I didn’t help a single cent to your earnings. Yes I’m an illegal reader despite knowing that all i can say is ill still continue reading here. Please let us read the manhwa till the end. (Well.. if you allow whoever you are.)


Oh no I was referring $3 because you were asking how $3 is possible to buy stuff, that's why I pointed that out :). Oh apparently Southeast Asia is that poor that they don't want to invest manga here :). If we wanna buy something out of $ currency it will be not as cheap as you guys, because they will convert it to dollar then to the certain currency. Even $1 can get us small shrimps lol
I am hella disgusted at the amount of people who are bashing the girl for letting the authors know that people are illegally uploading their manhwas. The amount of entitlement in you guys make me sick. “I don’t have money!” What the hell? Do you guys think that not having money makes you entitled to having these things for free? You guys are acting as if it’s wrong of the authors to crack down on these illegal manhwa uploaders like they unfairly deprived you of food and water. MANHWA ISN’T A NECESSITY. If you can’t afford, DON’T READ THEM. It’s not right to steal video games from a store just because you want them and can’t afford them. And that’s what you guys are doing: stealing.
If you guys want to continue doing this, at least have some shame. I’ve seen people get mad at the authors for expressing their anger. I’ve seen people get angry at Warehouse’s author for saying she hated illegal readers. You guys are thieves and you expect her to love you?
Some people are still bitching at the girl who started the crackdown. Like, how shameless can you be? How would you feel if you worked hard on something and a bunch of people thought it was okay to steal it and distribute it? Not only that, they actually have no remorse and try to justify it, showing no signs of wanting to stop and just telling everyone to keep it under wraps?
Stop assuming that these manhwa artists earn enough. You have no idea how much they earn through their viewership. You guys only assume this to make yourselves feel better/feel justified in stealing other people’s content.
Also, please don’t act like you guys are dirt poor. Most of you guys aren’t. It’s not that we can’t afford it (you guys are telling me you can't fork out $3 for 5 chapters?); it’s that it’s too expensive for us and we’re not willing to pay that price. Yes, it’s expensive to most of us. I understand. BUT it does not give you the right to steal. It’s not a hard concept to get. You don’t look at a purse you like, think that it’s too expensive, and think you can take it because it’s priced beyond what you think it should be.
Stop justifying yourselves. Stop treating online work differently from real life products. Some people at least have some shame when they’re posting/reading these manhwa illegally. I close one eye to these people. But to those who seriously think they’re entitled to reading manhwa illegally, please spare a thought for the authors who are just trying to make a living.