concerning ilay and tay..i just wanna ask if you read suite too? and suite: complete works?..because their story isn’t over from just DS..also because i was also frustrated with every thing until i read suite because you really get to understand ilay as a person even if you don’t like his character. in my opinion ilay really made me love him more in the “suite” part of passion. i personally hate richard with every fiber of my being and do not approve whatever is going on btwn him and christoph because he fucking broke that guy like as if his shitty mother wasn’t bad enough and he had imposter syndrome issues since childhood richard made his life hell on earth. Richard is a disgusting piece of shit and i wish the worst for him. i thought christoph would annoy me but he really grew on me. i really wanted him to find himself and cut all ties with dresden..

it's being a long time since I read it and I don't remember the end exactly (I vaguely remember the suite) but I remember the felling that tae is still trapped, especially after he is raped several times after being caught by ilay.
I remember talking with my sister about it that I had so much faith in the novel but it end up a huge disappointment.

tay said he was willing to take n the burden and danger that comes with being with ilay and ilay himself wanst okay with that that’s why okay literally swore that if tay dies he would too and rae said that without ilay his life would be miserable and he would choose him very single time despite what comes with it. He chose to leave xinlu in hong kong to stay with ilay because he wanted to..he knew that ilay would be mad and angry but he still went back to him. pls don’t underestimate tay resolve to wanting to stay with ilay..they are literally bound by life and death :/ tay is very aware with the weight of ilay love towards him but still accepts it no matter how painful it is..suite literally showed them talking abt this..they are not your everyday couple and you absolutely need to under how they both function mentally to properly enjoy the process. it’s not for everyone and that’s okay lol

Ooh now I remember why I was so pissed off now haha it was bc ilay's reaction, ignoring tay (I think he gags him?) and raping him until tay is able to speak up. I also got angry bc we didn't get a full smut that wasn't rape, even that last smut is just a blowjob. I also didn't like that the resolution about the organization, everything was rushed.
I don't mind toxic couples, 2HA is one of my fav novels ever, even if Moran is WAY worse than Ilay, my problem was with the resolution about the main couple and the whole plot itself. (I'm not trying to fight, I really just remember why I didn't like the ending now )

Yes, when I said I read all the novels I was serious. Ilay at parts could become a sympathetic character which I think I alluded to but my main point was that the actions taken in the relationships couldn’t outweigh the little actions/one liners here and there for me. Ilay didn’t change as a person, he only changed towards Tae in the fact that he fell in love (if you would generously call it that and not obsession/possession.) Tae is a whole different can of worms I want to throw in a microwave and explode, I wish I never had to be inside his head for the novels I fucking hated his experiences and thought process. Not only do I stand by him not adding value to any situation but he even detracts value and makes everything worse. But I digress, I read all the novels and wish that the fantastic world building and set up wasn’t wasted on constant rape.

Tae definitely loves Ilay but how much of it can be chalked up to literally trauma bonding I couldn’t tell you. That’s why I said it’s frustrating that what could’ve been fantastic and well rounded novels were wrapped up with rapist+victim=true love because of circumstances. The interactions between characters almost reminded me in a way of how authors portray bdsm/rough sex when it’s clearly rape. I was soooo thankful when Christoph finally SAID IT to Richard (it took the entire fucking novel and even then they backtracked and said he CONSENTED to the rape until then when he really really didn’t) so yeah I hate these novels I felt sick and frustrated throughout but wanted to finish to be fair to the author.

depends on what you mean? do you mean as a job? or you mean his character development cuz if you mean that i think the most development is that he got more durable in general and basically became the biggest ilay apologist . apart from dislocating ilays shoulder, becoming a “terrorist” and had to play the role of a racist rapist pedophile it’s all good :)

For me in particular, I grew sick of him because of his indecisiveness and lack of backbone. He watched Christoph get raped over, acknowledged it, but- despite portraying and verbalizing how much he cared for him as a friend- chose not to offer comfort or point out to Christoph what was happening or that it wasn’t his fault even though he knew that Christoph had NO ONE to turn to. He was incredibly disingenuous with his friendship and despite knowing he had every ability to say or do something good during certain moments throughout the novels he wouldn’t for literally no reason (you’ll see there’s quite an attempt to portray him as some sort of patron saint character who falls for the devil) but then would turn around and do the DUMBEST shit without a second thought. Also, not to defend Ilay at all, but Ilay will be out here defending both of them at multiple points from attacks and all you hear is Tae in the background screeching “don’t kill them don’t kill them” like a goddamn broken record despite the fact that he can’t do shit for himself. He can’t win a single goddamn fight despite having been in the army and URDHO but will definitely be sure to get himself kidnapped or almost killed, it’s all just so hard to put into words since the novels are so long but to be succinct: he’s annoying, he’s a doormat, and he’s a fucking two faced saint wannabe.
After reading all the novels can I just say I fucking HATE all the characters except Christoph and Kyle. Do they all have moments where you go, “oh wow how romantic was that line” or “how badass was that action”? Sure. (Except for Richard he can die in an Iron Maiden.) But are those few micro seconds worth the rest of their actions and overall arcs? Absolutely fucking not I’m so sick of them. I was ESPECIALLY appalled during Diaphonic Symphonia at Richard and Tae (separately). You can disagree with me as is your taste and opinion and I did choose to read and finish these to give them the benefit of the full work but. All of these are atrocious in character building, I’m horrified at the gratuitous rape fetish and inability to create any type of satisfying resolution beyond rapist+victim=true love. That’s all, I had to get it off my chest after sitting through all those novels.