I agree in that he was a pedophile, but would like to clarify something, they aren't, shotacon and lolicon aren't necessarily pedophilia. They focus on LOOKS rather than biology. They dont have to actually be a child. That's what irritates me about the people trying to say it was shota/loli con rather than pedophilia, it's simply not correct. It's an excuse that some try to use to brush this aside, but in this case isn't a valid one as you literally see him try to lure the boy into the bushes and get naked with him. He's a pedophile, not a loli/shota con.
That’s not how the terms are used always. They are used by pedophiles. Japanese child porn is made and distributed as shotacon and lolicon content. Those hentai manga with shotacon and lolicon content are considered, by law of most other countries aside from Japan, as child porn. Sure there are manga with cute kids because lots of people think kids are cute, but as soon as there are any sexual undertones, like here, it becomes nefarious and using those terms is to try to downplay what is really being shown. You may think it’s fine, but know that the people on your side saying it’s harmless....are pedophiles that know better and are taking advantage of your ignorance.
Yes, not always. Sometimes, like in manga like this, the character is an actual child within the story and in these situations they're pedophiles. You can't say it's pedophilia in the other cases as pedophilia is aimed specifically at prepubescent children, if the character isn't a prepubescent child, it's not pedophilia. It's not ignorance at all, it's fact. If the character looks like a child or teen, but is actually, say, 30 years old, it wouldn't be pedophilia. By definition. Factually. If you were to try to make the argument that they look like children so it's pedophilia even though they aren't actually children, I'd have 2 things to say: 1. You'll have to tell all the midgets and dwarves of the world that, by your logic, they can't have sex or a love life without it making their loved one a pedophile. And 2. The definition of pedophilia specifically, explicitly says "prepubescent", as in before puberty.
This'd be cute if the guy was just appreciated children and wasn't a literal pedophile... He tries to hit on them and even tried to get a boy to go into the bushes with him and get naked. Also, was that kid even anyone related to him? Doesn't he just go up to random kids? I suppose i'm happy he's finally starting to fall for someone who isn't 8 years old, but it's still only because of his 'cute' factor... and not the healthy kind of 'cute' factor, it's because he looks like a child when he smiles...