levipleasecallmeback February 6, 2025 11:00 pm

i think he has problems confronting his own feelings of rejection or loneliness. he’d rather push people away first and control how they’re in his life, rather than be the one abandoned again. considering how easily his dad picked the “better twin” and how they didn’t keep in touch… it hurt him on a fundamental level more than what we saw. and then with ml, he was mistaken as that very twin and probably feels some type of complex from that. he wasn’t chosen for himself, but instead the image his brother made for them

he’s probably wanting to feel some sort of power by being mean to his brother and the ml. if he can choose when to see ml on his own terms, he’ll feel less awful about their entire situation. if this theory is right, i think the author wrote his pain in a perfect way. he’s frustrating and not making good decisions right now because he’s hurt
