1. Even though Ray knew that he wasn't related to Setz she only found out recently so feels too soon for her to suddenly have romantic feelings for her former brother. (They could have saw that issue by having Ray reveal the truth when he killed sets the first time, before the time reverse)
2. Setz being 17 and Ray being 23 when they have sex the first time. Personally not a fan of a 6-year age gap but that's not that big of a deal compared to them not waiting at least one more year for her to be 18. She had just turned 17 too.
3. The epilogue was just for them to have sex, I would have preferred to see them with their children! I want to see what the kids would look like.
After reading this I only have 3 issues
1. Even though Ray knew that he wasn't related to Setz she only found out recently so feels too soon for her to suddenly have romantic feelings for her former brother.
(They could have saw that issue by having Ray reveal the truth when he killed sets the first time, before the time reverse)
2. Setz being 17 and Ray being 23 when they have sex the first time. Personally not a fan of a 6-year age gap but that's not that big of a deal compared to them not waiting at least one more year for her to be 18. She had just turned 17 too.
3. The epilogue was just for them to have sex, I would have preferred to see them with their children! I want to see what the kids would look like.