So if i understand correctly Kouichi is like a god? Can he be the god of all species comb...

sencha February 6, 2025 3:22 pm

So if i understand correctly Kouichi is like a god? Can he be the god of all species combined (titan, bird, beastmen, elf, etc.), like Elza's power in Frozen? :D Anyone who knows please give me spoilers, I'm tired of cliffhangers

    Semoh February 6, 2025 3:32 pm

    Oh my, really??.. i think because he was bless with his late mom.. There's one chp (not remember which one), it's like show that because his mom is dead, so he soul goes back to universe (become like goddess) something like that and his late mom will always by his side, so he like always have goddess with him by his side.. Just what i though

    Keys2tkingdom February 6, 2025 7:17 pm

    I don’t think we’re there yet in the raws. But presumably, that is the next thing Caius and Kouichi have to discover.

    sencha February 9, 2025 11:26 am
    Oh my, really??.. i think because he was bless with his late mom.. There's one chp (not remember which one), it's like show that because his mom is dead, so he soul goes back to universe (become like goddess) ... Semoh

    That makes sense, I hope we'll find out later