He’s a victim… BUT..

Mylai88 February 6, 2025 4:14 am

He is the one who was way too hard headed, nothing was ever scary enough or too much for him.. he was “in control” all the time apparently. Being almost raped in the bathroom wasn’t enough for him. (Or did he actually get raped? Idr) it’s ridiculous.. he need psychological help.. obviously it goes behind normal bdsm. He has fkin issues.. yall can use excuses for him.. but that man gave him hints and told him countless times about many things.. but he is the one who acted high and mighty.. sooooo.. he gets what he deserves

    Armin's Whore February 6, 2025 4:26 am


    grapeoncrack February 6, 2025 6:13 am

    lol the ratio is crazy

    mangapwa February 6, 2025 6:16 am

    I think you and others are grossly confusing consequences and placing a moral value on said consequences. No human deserves to be treated below respect, and especially in that way. Just because the MC decided to do something stupid, doesn’t mean that he “deserves” to be punished, it’s like your elevating yourself by speaking from some moral high ground of “I would never do something like that to incite that result” as a bystander typing in the comments after seeing the result of stupid decision. Yeah sure, it’s a webtoon and it’s not real, but these kind of comments are often made in the very real world and is what makes very real sexual assault the fault of the abused rather than the abuser. Even though society as a whole seems more “woke” or whatever, comments on any platform just make it seem people lack empathy more than ever and just want comment to prove some kind of point or win an argument that doesn’t exist lol