LMAOO it's alrighttt you're totally valid. For the record, besides being malnourished as a child causing his body to be on the small side, I think Eve's still a minor ╥﹏╥ not only is his artstyle childlike, he's underage too. So it IS disturbing. BUT I'M NOT SURE WITH THE MINOR PART. I ACTUALLY HATE HOW WE DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA HOW OLD HE IS ATM.

Spoiler age:
They’re 2 years apart
Eve is 17 and Gozu is 19. At the start of the manga if I’m not incorrect. Since then a lot of time has passed.
I don’t think it’s that bad because for all we know eves legal in two or three months.
And in that world they do mention that they’re at legal drinking and wedding age.
Guys ik the whole thing is that the top is smaller but like sometimes he gives me like bad vibes in the sense that i can’t help but see him as a child like ik ms boo was malnutritioned as a child but like have they nawt been on their trip or smt :.) please at least make him less kiddy like PLEASE DONT ATTQCK ME IK ITS KIND OF THE POINT BUT LIKE YK ITS THROWING ME OFF SOMETIMEZ LIKE YEAH HE IS CUTE AND DOM VIBING BUT LIKE IDK ITS HIS WHOLE FACE AND BUILD ALL TGT THAT KILLS ME A LITTLE?? Please dont flame me