While i do agree with that end part where you said she’s not a good fit for shirone, i’d have to disagree with everything else. I think she’s a pretty interesting character and i’d like to understand her a bit more, and while she can be irrelevant to the plot sometimes in some chapters, i still feel like she’s an important key in shirone’s story. That’s just my opinion though, you’re free to think whatever you like.
Idk if it's because I haven't bothered to re-read from the start but my memories of her is simply a damsel in distress, a forceful person who had taken advantage of Shirone's kind nature (therefore selfish even if she gained self-awareness in the end), and someone who wept for him without really being useful about it. I wish she had more screentime that doesn't have to revolve around Shirone so I could have more respect for her.
I don’t ever remember her acting like a damsel in distress? She’s very capable of taking care of herself and she shows it. In no chapter have i seen her acting like a helpless girl just so she can use shirone. Yes, there was that time where she made him bring her coffee everyday, but even then she wasn’t acting innocent and kind.
I dont get why people hate amy, i mean i lowkey resent her too for what happened it the past but shit, the past is the past. Learn to get over it, theyre on good terms now.