Old anime

Nobody February 5, 2025 7:29 am

My brother and I randomly started talking about Serial Experiments Lain and I mentioned to him that it’s almost 30 years old. Wow…we didn’t watch it when it came out, but it’s still been a while.

What is the oldest anime you remember watching and were you surprised it’s been that long?

Some of the “modern” anime I’ve seen is already like 5+ years *eek!*

    DarkSoul February 5, 2025 7:44 am

    The first anime I ever watched was Death Note and I saw that around 11 years ago. Though I remember watching bits and pieces of other anime before Death Note since my parents and older sibling watched anime before I got into it (things like Dragonball, Naruto, Squid Girl, Chobits, etc.). I'm not really surprised it's been 11 years since I've started watching anime, though its always a bit of a shock when I talk to newer anime fans and they've never even heard of some of the anime that I started out with. That definitely makes me feel a bit old.

    lebron's #1 pookie bear February 5, 2025 7:45 am

    yu yu hakusho, its now 30 years old iirc. gosh i feel old even if i watched it only a few years ago