Woah woah woah are we reading the same webtoon? He's like trying his luck like any other guy? Even that terrible redhead is still trying but the cp gets hated? Chill he never hurt her, he just used to hate her bcs of rumors and she never met him nor did he until lately! And ofc seeing a great woman like that as the cp, the highest status in the empire he'd be arrogant and think all girls want to be queen and want him, I'm not annoyed by this bcs he doesn't display it, rather he gives gifts and try to meet with her to see more of before he confirms his feelings about her and confess to her. He's actually really likeable, arsian is sweet. Petro on the black list idc, the two brothers are sweeter, you know they should be hated for what they did to camilla before but look, even camilla loves them and ber father, cp is just another character that spices up the boring story and I love his role
Not the mc she's great but the mls are starting to piss me off between the cp who acts like a dick head and makes her so uncomfortable thinking she's gonna eventually just fall for him because he is him or that she's just the next toy like home girl tell ur family they will literally tell him to go eat shii and die they don't care about the aftermatter