review? HELP???

maroni February 5, 2025 1:15 am

art 10/10
plot.... 3/10 bc it failed so bad and it hurts

After 58 chapters I kinda felt nothing, it was rushed and the length of each chapter is a joke.
I liked the vibe at the start because even tho it introduced us to a rushed trope/dynamic and no context of the characters, I was still excited for the story.

Sadly I got disappointed and I was left more confused than ever.
The ending was even more rushed with its time skip and failed mystery aspects of Miro.

It had so much potential but it will forever remain a bittersweet aftertaste in my memory.
I cherish it for what it is and what it made me think about, sadly it lacked so much that it failed to make me feel something. BUT!!!! it sure made me think about many things and I even got inspired by it.

IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME UNDERSTAND THE HIDDEN MEANINGS OF THIS STORY, PLLLLSSS TELLLL MEEE, maybe the translation tool i used made things more confusing than they are. Idk
