jesus christ this is trash dropped at the absolutely ridiculously shoehorned romance that ...

InvoluntarilyConscious February 4, 2025 7:58 am

jesus christ this is trash
dropped at the absolutely ridiculously shoehorned romance that came out of nowhere
it's a manga, the pacing has to be done very carefully bc of the length of the medium, but these two somehow went from despising and being disgusted by each other to romance in like two weeks?? naw bro. Could we have had less gratuitous gangbangs and more actual scenes of them bonding to shore this development up?
this is one of those stories where I'm like they would have SUCH severe PTSD, both of them. and I get that people bonding over shared traumas is legit a thing, seeking comfort in one another in the depths of despair, but if this was supposed to be that it was executed SO poorly
I didn't believe a damn thing coming out of any character's mouth, it just felt like some shut-in early-20-something's hackneyed caricaturized attempt to make ~*dramatic*~ commentary about gender inequality, plus dicks
