You’re not thinking are u? That’s how our brain works especially with trauma and it’s logical that different ppl act according to their personality. In this case it fits Dans personality bc he is portrayed like this (feeling guilty/responsible all the time) from the very beginning. You victim blaming him is honestly stupid so don’t come at me with your ‘obviously’ bc apparently it’s not so obvious for you.

try to make sense at least. can’t you get what i mean by “after all that”? lmao. he took a step and and did something good for himself for the first time leaving behind jjk and the job there, going to that town. how is this action feeling guilty and responsible?? if it was his trauma response in the work AT THAT TIME, as u said, he would take all the shit jjk throws at him, as always, and wouldn’t be able to leave AT THAT POINT, again as always, and would feel obligated to stay and look after him, as someone guilty/responsible. instead he didn’t put up with the shitty treatment he got for jjk’s injury and left the toxic situation he was in all this time. thats exactly why it’s stupid to go back to acting the same way, AFTER taking a step ahead AFTER ALL THAT. so yea YOU don’t come at me with your pathetic attempts to throw insults at me, as someone who is unable to even comprehend something as simple as that.

You literally described the situation but missed the point on the last part again. Of course he was finally able to leave after the whole match situation bc the way jk acted was so severe that he finally felt like he was allowed to leave (from a moral pov) that was not the action meant when I said he felt guilty/responsible and I thought that was obvious. He did have an inner conflict but he left the situation at least.
Him being conflicted now after jk finding him, aka the behavior you call stupid, is the trauma response I was talking about. That’s literally why relapse is a thing because it just doesn’t work in a linear way like taking a step forward and never going back to old ways again. Calling that stupid is thoughtless as I said before. So I don’t know where u felt insulted but again it’s apparently not so simple for u

here u go again, yapping about YOUR OWN opinion and take on the matter and thinking it’s definite lol. missed what, YOUR point? that i did. that’s obvi. and what you keep missing is the fact that i stated MY OWN opinion, to me it’s stupid. easy. stay mad idec lmao. cuz i’ll say it again, thoughtless or not, it’s stupid to go back to being a doormat after all that. see, it’s quite simple for me. get a pair of glasses if u still can’t.

I agree that it’s stupid to keep this back and forth up and I also know it’s your opinion cause yeah we don’t share the same opinion. Also I’m not mad I just think it’s sad to insult the victim in the situation and tried to convey that victim blaming is not the right thing to do here. Anyways it’s just fiction but I hope your point is different in real life

well lemme say this then, i didn’t victim blamed him or anything lol. throughout the story i always supported him, being aware of his situation, his mentality as well. but i was just momentarily frustrated at his behaviour at that one scene and that’s why i commented this. u just took it and made it go from 1 to 10. do i still think that one decision of his in the previous chapter was stupid, yes. but that doesn’t mean i am insulting the victim or victim blaming just because i didn’t like or agree with ONLY one of his actions, decisions. quite the contrary, it’s bcs i always wanted the best for him that, that decision of his frustrated me that much. anyways, i hope we can just agree to disagree, if u still won’t get my intention behind. i wish u a pleasant day/evening/night.