This is what I understood. 1) There are two ghost. -Ghost 1: the student that died due to...

bl0v February 3, 2025 7:05 am

This is what I understood.

1) There are two ghost.
-Ghost 1: the student that died due to bullying
-Ghost 2: The bully that was in the army with MC
2) Both the Ghost possessed the bullied student's younger brother (poor kid)
3) MC exercised the 2nd Ghost.
4) The 1st Ghost still possessing the younger brother

What I don't understand is why is the 1st ghost trying to kill his own brother.

    JustBeingMyself February 3, 2025 9:31 am

    What I also don't understand is: how can 2 ghost control the same body? Like do they fight? Stay dormant? Because it was already confirmed by MC that one ghost possessed the kid for very long time even before he exercised that other ghost. It doesn't make sense to me.

    Sang February 3, 2025 4:10 pm
    What I also don't understand is: how can 2 ghost control the same body? Like do they fight? Stay dormant? Because it was already confirmed by MC that one ghost possessed the kid for very long time even before h... JustBeingMyself

    Actually it is possible the strongest ghost will take charge and the other one be dormant to the point it's like it never existed once one is removed the other will regain control.

    The thing I don't understand is why kill his own brother? Did he thought that dying again in a new body would bring him peace?

    JustBeingMyself February 4, 2025 5:09 pm
    Actually it is possible the strongest ghost will take charge and the other one be dormant to the point it's like it never existed once one is removed the other will regain control.The thing I don't understand i... Sang

    Shouldn't the brother be the strongest one though? He was a ghost for the longest time. The other was exercised that quickly

    Sang February 4, 2025 7:26 pm
    Shouldn't the brother be the strongest one though? He was a ghost for the longest time. The other was exercised that quickly JustBeingMyself

    Nor necessarily oldest sometimes dose not mean strangest

    Akumajona February 9, 2025 9:50 pm

    But the brother ghost said it wasn't him why the guy hang ed himself.

    ChibiKachi February 9, 2025 10:49 pm

    So like Yoon Dam had explained on the bus about how a person can remember things the ghost was doing when their possessing someone. And he had used that dream example when explaining it to the brother who then said he has experienced dreams like that alot (which we now know probably was a foreshadowing of his brother taking him over months ago). So I think the brother realized how long things had been going on and couldn't cope since he didn't know why any of it was going on. Maybe even felt like he needed to follow his brother since it seems like his parents aren't around at all.

    bl0v February 10, 2025 6:11 am
    So like Yoon Dam had explained on the bus about how a person can remember things the ghost was doing when their possessing someone. And he had used that dream example when explaining it to the brother who then ... ChibiKachi

    That makes sense if the little brother just had enough and wanted to commit suicide. That is also sad at same time, hope he gets help.