I need some advice!!!!

Nanami May 7, 2017 6:52 pm

Hi im sorry if my english is lacking(im Purtorican). Aniway you see when I was in elementary school(dont rally remember the age at that time sorry) I use to stay at my grandmas house since the school was closer and my grandmas was always alone. The neightbors were nice people and had two kids aboy and a girl. The girl was 2 to 3 years older than me. We then turn into friends and play alot. At that time I dindt really press atention but now older I do.U see when we play we play what U call house she allways want to be the mom so I have to be the dad. We would play in a room no one use at the basement. She would through her self to me after pushing me to the bed and we would kiss and touch not really sexually. It stop after she leaves for the U.S. if im nont wrong I was still in elementary school. Now im 16 year old girl I considere my self pretty since some guys have confess to me since I dint like them I say no. But I like guys but I dont really know since I dont think being with a boy or girl really matter if U are in love can someone give me some advise since I dont really want to talk to my mom until im shure U see I am a oppen person and if I dont just like mens I want to tell one my parents since they are the most important people to me adding my grandma off curse

    I'm a girl May 7, 2017 7:08 pm

    oh maan so I'm not the only one who played house like that, haha. I was the one who did the pushing to bed and kissed. I guess it's not so weird after all. I haven't become gay or anything after I grew up. I don't like girls that way.

    Pynch May 7, 2017 7:08 pm

    Estoy segura de que tus papás te van a amar como quiera sin importar tu sexualidad. Y es cierto que no importa si te gusta una mujer o un hombre, pero aún te falta mucho por descubrir lo que de verdad te gusta. Tienes 16 aún sigues siendo una adolescente y descubrir tu sexualidad es parte, cuando estés súper segura de lo que en verdad te gusta puedes hablar de ello (o tal vez prreguntarle a tus padres que opinan del tema, antes de decir algo)

    Saludos desde Puerto Rico ( ̄∇ ̄")

    tamanegidesu May 7, 2017 7:16 pm

    But what's the problem here? I mean..are you confused about your sexual orientation? If so there is no one but you yourself who can discover it. And I think many women can be kind of sexualy attracted to other women but not romanticaly so mayb that's it in your case ( I'm like that too). And I'll also recommend you to not really put so much effort and tought into it the time will come when you will understad yourself better and be confident with who you are in any aspect.

    This was a little bit of pseudo psychology from me but I hope I helped you even a little.

    Celes May 7, 2017 7:34 pm

    HOLY MOLY XD I did this too! But I'm not interested in girls though, maybe it's just as weird as the doctor games some children at my kindergarten play..

    Nanami May 8, 2017 11:55 am
    Estoy segura de que tus papás te van a amar como quiera sin importar tu sexualidad. Y es cierto que no importa si te gusta una mujer o un hombre, pero aún te falta mucho por descubrir lo que de verdad te gust... Pynch

    Saludosss y gracias

    Nanami May 8, 2017 11:56 am
    But what's the problem here? I mean..are you confused about your sexual orientation? If so there is no one but you yourself who can discover it. And I think many women can be kind of sexualy attracted to other ... tamanegidesu
