Wow congratulation stupid fuck

Arisueii May 7, 2017 6:15 pm

Shout out to sabrinabts, for being an ignorant fuck and finally able to gather all my fav manhwa illustrators to stand up against mangago. How can she not read the fucking translator notes? The lezhin logo is fucking there and she fucking asked the stupidest question to the author itself. Killer whale is hating on us, lee aru is considering to drop the manhwa.. Whats next? Reck? Koogi? Or maybe petitioning to shut down this website once and for all.

Giving a feedback is cool, but directly asking "when next chapter gonna be uploaded on mangago"? thats the stupidest thing a person could do despite all the translators note. Go hide yourself, translators-nim, i love you guys and dont wanna get u guys risked of being taken to legal action just because of one stupid fuck ruining everything with one simple ignorant question.

(I am a legal reader/subscriber on lezhin and sad to say that now i have to wait for the english ver to catch up with the raws. And some of it dont even have english ver. its sad but, go get ur funeral suits/dresses ready guys)

    Anonymous May 7, 2017 6:19 pm

    This is a very sad day...

    lemonhope May 7, 2017 6:31 pm
    This is a very sad day... @Anonymous

    What is happening ?

    Aliaa - May 7, 2017 6:31 pm

    Anonymous May 7, 2017 6:58 pm
    What is happening ? lemonhope

    Someone asked a manhwa artist on Twitter when the next chapter of their manhwa would be released on mangago and it sent the artist into rage. The person who asked the question is so dumb, no artist would want to hear about people reading their hard worked story on an illegal site.

    Arrow May 7, 2017 9:04 pm

    The most stupid question someone could ask in the entire world.

    Aliaa - May 8, 2017 5:42 am

    That person deserves to be burnt alive -_- ..
    ( sorry for the other empty reply )