i dont remember anything that bad happenong to him after junwoos fall from grace (his father is arrested + yohan being crazier than him). he barely appears by the third volume, when they become seniors and taesan stays in a different class. he avoids junwoo and keeps his crush on jun, but i still havent read the last volumes so cant say for sure whats his end

about taesan (the guy being bullied) i havent properly read the last volumes, i just skimmed through and was not that interested in taesan, so i may be missing major events in taesans life but basically, they become seniors and yohan/jun go to class 1 and taesan/junwoo and all the background characters go to class 2, so their appearences become basically none since it focuses on yohan. taesan avoids junwoo and, apart from junwoo, no one is willing to become a bully since they fear the trachers, so taesan is fine. he sometimes talks to jun but thats all of him. junwoos life is ruined after his fight with yohan and his father's arrest.
about jun getting over junwoo: yeah, after he gets beaten up he stops caring for him. youll see him smilling next chapter and hoping yohan will take junwoo's place in the school hierarchy. he starts liking yohan pretty soon after that. as jun said, he is very shallow so his love also is shallow: he may like junwoo, but he'll throw junwoo under the bus if it means saving his own skin.
does yohan hurt jun: yeah, not in junwoo's level and, in my opinion, not unprovoked. for exemple: yohan is REALLY afraid of his father and his family treats him like he doesnt exist (because they found out yohan is gay), so there's this scene where jun forces yohan to eat dinner with yohan's parents and yohan has a breakdown, thinking jun wanted to humiliate him since he knows his family situation and even so forced him to be in an awkward situation (jun just hated seeing yohan being ignored by his own family and tried to force tem to aknowledge yohan), so he breaks jun's arm.
yohan is prone to breakdowns and is not the most stable person. he's obsessed with jun and pretty much a stalker, but he treats jun well for the most part. when jun finds out about yohan's family, he invites yohan to sleep over and yohan ends up basically living with him and doing all the chores lmao
anyways, after that jun suffers for a while bcs he likes yohan but yohan is the manipulative+obsessed+traumatized combo, but they manage. juns also not a damsel and prrtty manipulative himself lmao
yohan is like. really crazy.
one example is when he fights junwoo, they both end up on the hospital (junwoo has to be taken bcs hes almost dead while yohan calmly walks to the ambulance lmao), when yohan comes back he gifts jun two of junwoo's teeth that he knocked off during the fight lmao
but yeah yohan is crazy crazy crazy, but jun is also a freak so they match very well